Ohrid Folklore days

Festival: Ohrid Folklore Days

21.07 -

Celebrating Cultural Heritage at "Ohrid Folklore Days"

Greetings from Ohrid, Macedonia! As the echoes of the "Ohrid Folklore Days" fade away, we are left with the heartwarming memories of a truly spectacular celebration of cultural heritage. From July 21st to July 24th, the city came alive with the vibrant rhythms of traditional songs and dances, enchanting performances, and the joyous coming together of diverse cultures.

A Melodic Journey Through Time:

Under the brilliant organization of Zdravko Banar, the "Ohrid Folklore Days" festival proved to be a remarkable showcase of the power of folklore to unite people from around the globe. The stage came alive with the graceful movements and resounding beats as talented folklore groups transported us through time, sharing their cultural stories and legacies.

A Tale of Two Cultures:

The festival's guest performers, "MKD Braca Miladinovci" from Osijek, Croatia, and "Ensamblul Poienita" from Varbilau, Prahova, Romania, enchanted the audience with their mesmerizing performances. Their dedication to preserving their unique cultural traditions was evident in every step they took and every note they sang. The beautiful synergy between the two groups served as a reminder of the shared threads that connect us all, despite our geographical boundaries.

Embracing Unity and Diversity:

The atmosphere at "Ohrid Folklore Days" was nothing short of magical. The joy and enthusiasm of the performers, the warmth of the audience, and the support of the locals all came together to create an unforgettable experience. It was heartening to witness how music and dance can bridge cultural gaps and foster a sense of unity and respect among people of different backgrounds.

Invitation to Upcoming Festivals:

If you missed the opportunity to be part of "Ohrid Folklore Days," fear not! The festivities don't end here. Zdravko Banar's dedication to promoting cultural exchange continues with a series of exciting festivals lined up throughout the year. Mark your calendars for the remaining events and immerse yourself in the wonders of folklore:

  1. "Zdravko Banar" Festival Dates:
    • 3rd to 7th August 2023
    • 10th to 14th August 2023
    • 17th to 21st August 2023
    • 24th to 28th August 2023
  2. "Atanas Kolaroski" Festival Dates:
    • 7th to 11th September 2023
    • 14th to 18th September 2023
    • 21st to 25th September 2023
  3. "Folklore Fall" Festival Dates:
    • 5th to 9th October 2023
    • 12th to 16th October 2023
    • 19th to 23rd October 2023
  4. "November in Ohrid" Festival Dates:
    • 2nd to 6th November 2023
    • 9th to 13th November 2023

Join Us for Unforgettable Experiences:

As we look ahead to these upcoming festivals, we extend our warmest invitation to you. Be a part of this cultural journey, witness the magic of traditional arts, and embrace the unity that comes with celebrating our diverse heritage.

Explore the Memories:

To relive the enchanting moments of "Ohrid Folklore Days," we have compiled galleries of the activities for you to enjoy. Visit our website and let the photos take you back to the lively performances and the sense of camaraderie that permeated the festival.

We'll Meet Again in Ohrid!

The stage is set, and the spirit of celebration awaits your presence. Join us in the picturesque city of Ohrid for a series of festivals that will leave you with cherished memories and a heart full of appreciation for the beauty of cultural heritage.

Event: Tour

Ohrid Old City

Event: Ceremonial Evening


Event: Visit of the ethno village


Event: Concert
