Festival: Zdravko Banar

Eveniment: Tur


Exploring the Treasures of Ohrid's Old City:

Led by the esteemed festival director, Zdravko Banar, and his dedicated team, the exceptional "Kud Piva - Pluzine" ensemble from Montenegro embarked on a captivating journey through the historic streets of Ohrid's old city. This immersive exploration was meticulously crafted to encapsulate the essence of the city's rich heritage, and within the span of a single day, the group enjoyed an enriching adventure. From the intricate architecture of centuries-old churches to the charming cobblestone pathways, Ohrid's cultural tapestry unfurled before their eyes. Notably, their expedition also led them to the revered Macedonian Tsar Samoil's Fortress, where echoes of history whispered through ancient walls. This experience not only deepened their connection to the city but also etched enduring memories, destined to resonate through their performances and beyond.

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